Resultados de la búsqueda
Enviar Email Llamar (305) 555-9999 WhatsApp
Experience 18 years as Expert Realtor at Toronto Realty
When you can reach me 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Saturday
Personal awards Best Realtor in Toronto from 2000-2018
MLS ID 12345 MYID - Until 12/12/2025
I speak French, Spanish, English
Office Address Toronto St, 123, Blacksmith

Especialidades y Áreas de Servicio

Acerca de mí

Whether it is working with a first time homebuyer, a luxury home listing or a seasoned investor, Michael prides himself on his unparalleled service with an aptitude for problem solving – something essential for navigating clients through the challenges of today’s real estate market. My focus is always on serving my clients with honesty, integrity and discretion as a dependable and knowledgeable broker committed to exceptional results.

I am a licensed real estate broker, an active member in local and national real estate industry organizations, a lover of architecture and an active member to such philanthropic causes.


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