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Enviar Email Llamar (305) 555-4555 WhatsApp
Experience 18 years as Expert Realtor at Toronto Realty
When you can reach me 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Saturday
Personal awards Best Realtor in Toronto from 2000-2018
MLS ID 12345 MYID - Until 12/12/2025
I speak French, Spanish, English
Office Address London St, 123, Blacksmith

Especialidades y Áreas de Servicio

Acerca de mí

Janet’s knowledge, honesty, integrity, and fairness have been evident throughout her career. In addition, she possesses a keen sense of the local luxury real estate climate, allowing her to guide her clients in acquisitions of primary residences, second homes, and investment properties.

She understands the importance of providing a truly personalized service to her clients, always putting their needs ahead of her own and paying close attention to every aspect of the transaction.

Janet has long felt that to remain competitive in today’s real estate market, a broad, technologically-savvy outreach is imperative. She is excited about the years ahead.


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Mis Anuncios

Todo (2)
Comercial (2)
Proyectos (2)
Galerías Paseos
Centros Comerciales

Galerías Paseos

Galería Paseos es una adquisición de Talima Venture en agosto de 2019, siendo el primer ce ...
19,200 detalles

Metro Plaza San Isidro

En 2023 se construyó un segundo centro comercial en la República Dominicana. Metro Plaza, ...
12,000 detalles

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